Camel Market

Camel Market

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wandering again...

   Looking at my blog, it has been neglected since November 29th!

 Let's try to bring this thing up to date in not so many words.

 Afghanistan is going well, I've been here for nine months now and my contract renewal is coming up at the end of June. My classes are going well, and attacks in the city have been sporadic but nothing too bad as of late (fingers crossed).

 Winter was very mild. In Kabul we didn't have much snow. The temperatures were quite low sometimes, however.

 My carpet collection has grown by two or three rugs. To my credit, two of those are gifts....

 Tomorrow I'm off on vacation. I will be gone from April 3rd-29th. I'll be heading to Turkmenistan on the first leg of my journey. I'm looking forward to camping in the desert, seeing the Diwaza gas craters, swimming in an underground lake, and seeing the craziness that is Ashgabat!

 After that, I'm off to Uzbekistan. I'll be hitting up the ancient Silk Road towns of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Tashkent, before flying back to Istanbul, Turkey to meetup with my Colombian friend, Gustavo. I went to Istanbul last year and loved it. After 'mi Buenos Aires querido,' it's the best city on Earth!
 Finally, I'll be flying to Barcelona, Spain to stay at my friend's place while exploring the sites of Catalunya.

 That's all I have for now. I'll catch you guys next time.

 -  Jesse

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