Camel Market

Camel Market

Friday, January 27, 2012

Winter Vacation Blogs

 Many people spend their entire lives dreaming about things that they wish they can or would do. For most people, these dreams remain that, dreams. Something that seems so great, yet unattainable for a myriad of reasons. There always seems to be something standing in the way of fulfilling whatever it is that is at the inner core of curiosity. For me, I feel quite privileged to have been able to do so much at the young age of 27. Looking back over the past decade, I've accomplished some things that I've wanted to do (graduate college, get a job) and many things that weren't even on my radar (going to Korea, Saudi Arabia, graduating from grad. school). All of these encompass steps in my life that have led me here today on this moderately comfortable bed in KSA.

 I find it impossible to believe that there is a person alive who doesn't have a list of places that they want to see before they day. This could be a list of your favorite US cities, or an arms-length recipe of countries that you've spent years developing just to find out that you have to reorder some of them because you've discovered an even better place that may beat out number thirty. 

For me, travel is something that I've always pondered and fascinated over since my early teens. I grew up watching the Travel Channel and would always find watching show about animals in Africa with my grandmother on a Friday night to be quite delightful, always musing over how nice it would be to see such places. For myself, this last trip to Southeast Asia was a dream come true, not only because I can mark two countries off of my proverbial list of places; but rather because of all the wonderful people I met a long the way and the kindness that shown two me from two very different cultures. These next series of posts will try to highlight the positives and negatives of my adventures to this strange land and to point out the reality that I see in this world from my point of view and context. 

 Let's begin.....

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