Camel Market

Camel Market

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thailand Winter Vacation 2012!!!!!!!!

   Hello everyone!

 It's been a while since my last post. All things are well here in KSA and I am happy to report that I am still breathing. As most of you know, I am going to Thailand for my winter vacation this year. I leave in one week and I am extremely excited about my trip.

 Thailand is one of those countries that you visit over and over again. This is what I am told and feel is what I will come to believe in the near future. Aside from the historical aspects of it, Thailand has an immense amount of beauty and culture to offer the world. From its food, picture perfect beaches, and historical architecture, Thailand is truly one of the world's original gems.

 My vacation, which will be 17 days, paid I might add ;-), will entail a little bit of culture, a few islands, and tons of beaches. My Southeast Asia extravaganza begins on January 9th when I will fly from Bahrain straight to Bangkok. Immediately I will book it to the Thai/Cambodia border and stay in the town of Aranya Prathet. Why go here you might be asking yourself? Because this is the route to one of history's most ancient civilizations, the Khmer Empire city of Angkor Wat. This city, known for its monolithic temples, architecture, and beauty, is the first stop on my destination which is in neighboring Cambodia. Here, I will stay in the town of Siem Reap from January 10th-12th. During this time I will hire a tuk tuk (motorbike cab) and will be touring an impossible amount of temples, jungles, and unfortunately, going around tourists. This is a place I have wanted to go since living in Korea and I cannot wait to check this world wonder off my list.

 From there, I will speed back to Bangkok and take an overnight train (14 hours) to the town of Trang, which is the gateway to the mystical Trang Islands. Thankfully, these islands remain pretty remote due to the face that some are part of a nature reserve and since they're kind of off the beaten path. From Trang, I will take a tuk tuk to a boat pier and hire a longboat (an 8m long boat with an engine) that will take me to the various islands that I will stay at.

 The first island is one of the least visited and most remote. The island of Ko Libong is part of a national marine wildlife refuge that is home to some of the world's few remaining dugongs. This porpoise-like creature survives around the island's mangroves, which I will tour in a kayak on my two day stay. This island is not so much known for it's beaches, but how can I possibly pass up a beach bungalow for 12 USD per night?!?!?!?!

 The next step will be to leave Ko Libong for the island of Ko Kradan or Ko Mook (haven't decided) and do  have two days on a more pristine island full of palm trees, white sand beaches, and yes, tourists... (it's Thailand, not Cambodia). Here, i'll truly relax and try to forget about time, Facebook, the internet, news, economy, and KSA.... It will be a truly zen-like experience.

 After four - five marvelous day in these karst islands, I will take another longboat to the big island of Ko Lanta which is much more touristy and larger. It makes a spot on my itinerary as it has a host of excellent beaches, swank towns, and, you guessed it, good beach bungalows! For two days I will rent a motorbike and tour the island and the sites that it has to offer. Surely, I will be a typical tourist and party hardy and kick back  without a worry in the world.

 After nearly a week of fun in the sun, I will bus it back to Bangkok from the town of Krabi and meet my friend Kyle on the 21st of January. From here on out I have no idea what we will do. I have until the 26th to let loose and do whatever presents itself as interesting, adventurous, and downright crazy.

 Sadly, on the 26th I return to Bahrain, where I will spend the day drowning my sorrows at Hunter's Lounge at the Ad Hari hotel in Manama. Having a 7 USD Heinekin draft will feel bittersweet the night before I head back to what has become known as the Kingdom.

 Alas at this time, a new countdown will commence until the next vacation appears eight weeks later during the last week of March.

 Don't expect to hear from me for about three weeks in January. This is my itinerary and this is about as 'official' of a warning of where I"m going anyone will get. It'll probably change, but that's just like me. One year I'm in Minnesota attending grad school and the next day I'm in Saudi Arabia in the largest oasis in the world. Next week it'll be Thailand and Cambodia. Bring it!

 - Jesse

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