Camel Market

Camel Market

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Update 7: Off to Bahrain, again.


 It's been a while so here's what I'm up to. I'm off to Bahrain for another weekend of fun fun fun! Going to explore the souq (market), maybe Adliya (neighborhood where I stayed last time), and hit a couple ok... a few bars to see what the local pubs have to offer. Maybe I'll return to JJ's for Happy Hour. Nothing fancy, but it'll be a great weekend to unwind from whining students and reckless classrooms since midterms have finished and now that the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen by all. 

 33 days until Thailand!!! That is the countdown playing in my head like a broken record. I still have no plans on what I will be doing. I kind of like it that way. Maybe I'll just go with the flow and see where my two feet take me, be it sun dropped tropical beaches or misty mountains. 

 Work is kind of hectic with students becoming restless and people in general are just ready for another vacation. It's hard to explain, but that first vacation really spoiled a lot of us, not me, of course. Seventeen days of mystery await in Southeast Asia and the anticipation until then is eating away at me. Sometimes I find myself pondering what it'll be like in the middle of class or test day when students are quiet, for a change, and I have time to gaze into my mind. 

 Anyways, time for bed.

 Life continues in the Kingdom. 

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