Camel Market

Camel Market

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 in Saudi Arabia, Off to the white coats, part 2, and Turkish Kebabs!

   Today was another day chuck full of interesting activities that gives this place what I think of as a unique flavor to it's society. I woke up today and turned on CNN International which was full of programs related to the tenth anniversary of 9/11. While this day has much meaning and sorrow for America, here in the Kingdom it was just another day that went like yesterday and tomorrow. Being here is sort of ironic due to the nationality of most of the hijackers. I think, however, the people who did that do not represent, at all, the vast majority of Saudis who go about their lives everyday. It should not be surprising to note that 9/11 over here was just another day, but as an American it's very revealing and thought provoking being here on this day. Thoughts and prayers for the victims of that tragedy.

 In other news, we were all escorted to the hospital again today for more blood work, goody! This fun and amazing trip entailed us sitting and waiting for over ninety minutes for x-rays to begin and then we were all shipped out for blood tests to make sure we are again, disease free. The x-ray doc was of Asian decent and spoke okay English and was working quite fast considering the last couple of dealing we had with other affairs here. There seems to be a lot of paper work involved in getting us our 'iqama' or residency cards. Lucky for me there good for two years, just in case I want to stay over here and make more bling.

 Also, my friends from Canada, Australia, and the U.K. and I decided to go and try to hunt down a Turkish restaurant to try some kebabs, grilled lamb trips served with flat bread. After about twenty minutes of meandering in the hot afternoon sun, we finally found a joint that suited our high class standards *psych*. The restaurant was a rather clean and hospital place run by a crew of Turkish and other foreign workers. Our waiter spoke some English and I ordered a kebab for about 12 Riyals, < 3 USD. Before getting the main course, we all recieved a small salad that contained pickels, arugula, tomatoes and other things... unfortunately for me it all tasted like olives, which I dislike profoundly (It was not olive oil). So, that part of the two course meal was rather dissapointing, but the kebab were FANTASTIC! I think I found my restaurant of choice when in need of some good grilled lamb at dirt cheap prices! Although, I have not found a restaurant that serves shawarma yet..... Rumor has it, it's quite good here in Saudi. Furthermore, the flat bread that we recieved was pretty good and we ordered some sort of Middle Eastern dipping sauce with it.

 Overall, a productive and blood extracting day!

 Life continues in the Kingdom...

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